The Data Analytics Journey: What It Takes To Embrace the Data Opportunity

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The Data Analytics Journey: What It Takes To Embrace the Data Opportunity

Credit unions are in a perfect place to take advantage of the data analytics journey with the simple ability to collaborate. Unfortunately, most credit unions are at the beginning of their journey with much opportunity ahead. In this webinar, Trellance’s data analytics experts will teach you to initiate and navigate the data analytics journey, as well as:

  • Establish a team to foster an innovative culture and prepare the credit union to master their membership data
  • Set up a plan for implementing data analytics and launching predictive analytics
  • Invest in a data analytics platform to establish a “single source of truth” on which all analytics can be developed
  • Partner with other credit unions for non-core domains to adjust to the “new normal” and free your staff to focus on business logic
  • Establish a roadmap and learn from an impact vs. effort matrix as to how to apply a data analytics platform