Trellance’s Year-end Review of a Successful 2021 for our Credit Unions … with an Epic Tease to 2022

The past few years have been anything but typical, so Trellance has been on overdrive ensuring that our credit unions have what they need to continue evolving in an exploding financial and analytical world. In fact, 2021 was the perfect time for us to invest in and update our product lines so we can ensure our clients hang on to that competitive advantage. 

Having an Impact 
The impact we’ve already had on millions of credit union members has been enormous and it is just the start of what’s to come. But we’ll get to that later. First let’s recap what we accomplished for you in 2021. 

One of our biggest and best decisions this year was acquiring data science experts, CU Rise.  This provides three huge benefits for our credit unions. 

  1. We doubled the number of Trexperts (that’s our Trellance — Credit-union experts) working on your analytics. 
  2. CU Compare is our benchmarking and trend analysis tool that allows you to quickly perform peer comparisons. 
  3. Predictive Analytics models help you see into the future related to member engagement, attrition prediction and the next best product for each specific member.  

These additional capabilities allow Trellance to expand our solutions to support you and your members. It’s your upgrade to first class. 

When you combine all this new technology and expertise with M360, our signature platform, you have a comprehensive business analytics platform to meet any of your needs. That means: 

  • All your data is pulled from its silos and gathered into one single source of truth available in the Cloud or in your environment   
  • 50 pre-built dashboards filled with Insights 
  • New out-of-the-box data connectors 
  • Faster implementations 
  • Crystal ball to see into the future 

We can already tell you that these additions are going to open more doors for our credit unions than you can possibly step through. And here’s why. 

Trellance Product Teams are now bringing you: More impact. More insight. More talent. More results. 

We have only scratched the surface of just how pivotal these solutions will be to the future success of your credit union.  But wait, there is more. 

Digital Webinars 
In the summer of 2021 Trellance launched a digital series of helpful webinars that gives credit unions industry perspectives, research, and innovation insights to help you plan for 2022 and beyond.  

The series offered perspective on 2021 credit union industry trends, solutions for driving credit card portfolio growth, auto-loan market-research trends and solutions. It continues to provide a perspective on data management principles and best practices, and how to drive retention through member rewards. Fear not, more of this in 2022. 

We also hosted more than 40 credit unions for two days of prime networking, group activities, training sessions, a few rounds of golf and more during our annual Spring Summit 2021 at the historic Vinoy Resort & Golf Club. 

Integrate, Aggregate and Analyze with Style, Speed and Accuracy 

This year the M360 platform has supported clients with $110 billion in assets and more than 6 million credit union members. Through our latest release and updated dashboards, we put business analytics at your fingertips with a more extensive profile of membership.   

We are also proud to tell you that, according to our CEO, Tom Davis, we have cut our average implementation time in half in 2021! It’s great to end with good news, but we’re not quite done. Trellance Managed Services introduced two new products that deliver more solutions, including an Auto Refinance Program and a Targeted Usage Program. Trellance hears you and is meeting your needs. 

Of course, adding new products to the Managed Services suite was not enough, like our other product lines, the Managed Services team is dedicated to not only serving our clients, but your members, ending the year by touching nearly 1.5 million credit union members positively and around 300,000 cardholders. That’s pretty impressive. 

Wait For It 
Trellance is just getting warmed up. Wait until you see what’s coming in 2022. 

We get it. We’ve thrown a lot at you over the past few years – it’s all good stuff – cutting-edge analytics that will improve your bottom line and your member experience in ways you couldn’t have guessed …. It sounds great, but maybe it has been a little overwhelming for some of you. You might even want a few tech experts in your pocket right about now to bring it all to life.  

Fear not. We are one step ahead of you. 

We’ll just leave this right here for now… but you’ll be hearing a lot more about some pretty juicy, customizable services coming your way from Trellance in 2022. Services that will soothe your souls and alleviate all the confusion and intimidation that analytics can bring. Trust the process as Trellance gently guides you into the future of analytics and the ultimate success of your credit union through our enticing new service options coming very, very soon. (Hint: Come find us at GAC for the scoop and maybe spin the wheel for a few impressive prizes!) 

Consider that our mic drop for 2021.  

Technology Blog

You now have more information at hand about your credit union than ever before. But are you using it to “out-think” your rivals? If not, you may be missing out on a potent competitive tool.

This blog will:

  • Educate subscribers about data integration and Big Data and Analytics.
  • Provide tips and best practices.
  • Provide entertainment.
  • Share ideas and expertise.

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