4 Tech Titles to Add to Your Credit Union’s Wish List this Holiday Season

Credit unions always make the nice list – so when you’re preparing your wish list for this holiday season, make sure these four tech titles are at the top!

Data Scientist

Your credit union has enough data to fill the North Pole – but if you’ve got to make sure you’re actually using it. Data Scientists examine your credit union’s data, identify trends and help your credit union make data-driven decisions. Having a Data Scientist on staff or utilizing a contractor can help move your credit union in the right direction and spread some holiday cheer all year long.

BI Developer

Just like Rudolph, your credit union is unique, which means you need unique solutions and tools. BI Developers can help to create custom tools, such as reporting or analytics platforms, so your credit union can get a solution that’s tailor made for it. Part-time or contracted BI Developers can be a great way to get your credit union custom solutions while still saving enough money to get presents for everyone on your list.

Data Engineer

Data Engineers and Data Scientists go together like cookies and milk – you just can’t have one without the other. Data Engineers convert raw data into usable information that your Data Scientist can then use to start identifying trends and data- driven decisions. Make sure you’re making the most of your credit union’s data by having both halves of this dynamic duo on your team.

Data Architect

Data Architects are the Santa Claus of your credit union’s data – they keep everything running. They’re the ones who create the blueprints for how your data management system works, and they’re the ones who continue to monitor and improve it, so it keeps working. They also make sure your data management system meets regulatory requirements, keeping your credit union off the naughty list.

Just like Santa, your credit union has a lot to keep track of this holiday season. Get a little help keeping it moving smoothly by putting these four tech titles on your holiday wish list. Check out Trellance’s Talent Finder page to find these and other tech titles that can start working for your credit union today!

This article was written by Bill Lehman, Chief Marketing Officer at Trellance. 

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You now have more information at hand about your credit union than ever before. But are you using it to “out-think” your rivals? If not, you may be missing out on a potent competitive tool.

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