A Letter From Our Chief Product Officer: What’s New in Trellance Release 22.1

The last two years have forced financial institutions of all sizes to adapt to rapid changes, reassess processes, build resiliency, and maintain a flexible approach about how best to operate as a business. For our part at Trellance, that has meant doubling down on the product innovations that allow people to reimagine how and where […]

Trellance Introduces 12 Additional Dashboards

That’s More Ways to Better Understand your Members and drive strategic initiatives. No matter where you are along your data journey, the odds are good that you have been fascinated by the wonders of the dashboard. They are the frothy dessert of the Data Analytics universe: the results. Trellance takes pride in our dashboards (and we’ve […]

Where Are You on Your Data Analytics Journey?

By Trellance’s Vice President of Client Success & Optimization Doug Farrell We’re not going to sugarcoat it. Diving into the world of data analytics is a big, huge step, but if you want your credit union to not only survive, but thrive, it’s a necessary one. Your journey should begin sooner, Trellance Data Experts suggest, […]

Credit Card Balances are Growing for Credit Unions – Are Yours?

Here are the Top 3 Strategies for Increasing Credit Card Profits It’s official, Q3 of 2021 NCUA data is in. The statistics look promising for credit unions:    A YoY growth in credit card balances has been recorded for the first time in the last six quarters.   The number of cards, which was growing steadily for credit unions, also witnessed the […]

Trellance’s Year-end Review of a Successful 2021 for our Credit Unions … with an Epic Tease to 2022

The past few years have been anything but typical, so Trellance has been on overdrive ensuring that our credit unions have what they need to continue evolving in an exploding financial and analytical world. In fact, 2021 was the perfect time for us to invest in and update our product lines so we can ensure our clients hang on to that competitive advantage.  Having an Impact The impact we’ve already had on millions of credit union members has been enormous and it […]

Two Free Data Sources Credit Unions Should Start Using Now

The following is an article written by Trellance’s Director of Data Science, Collin McCarter. The article originally appeared on CUInsight.com. Within credit union’s own data is the answer to many “whats.” Take, for example: What are the typical spending patterns? What are the incoming and outgoing account flows? What are average balances and product mixes? What are the […]

Improving Member Experience with Life Stage Marketing

The following is an article written by Trellance’s Director of Data Science, Collin McCarter. The article originally appeared on CUInsight.com. Life Stage Marketing can be a key strategy for any credit union looking to improve their member experience and grow the credit union. Implementing Life Stage Marketing allows you to match existing and prospective members […]

Hear from Trellance at NACUSO 2021

Over the last year, we at Trellance have expanded our portfolio of products and services to help your credit union continue to grow and remain competitive. To learn more, stop by the Trellance booth or join one of the Big Data/Data Analytics breakout sessions on November, 10th Wednesday, November 10th 1:45 pm to 2:30 pm      […]

A Letter From the CEO: A Year of Challenges and Opportunity

Last year I wrote that it was hard to believe it’s the end of another year. In contrast, this year sometimes felt it would never end. It’s cliché to say that 2020 was a challenging year for everyone, both personally and professionally, but it’s true – and I want to thank everyone who weathered the […]

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